Safety Stock

Safety Stock

         In the actual production process, many companies may have faced this problem, that is, they cannot ship customers’ orders or produce planned quantities on time for various reasons, which leads to lost sales opportunities, imposition of delay penalties by customers, and may lose customers. One of the most important of these reasons is the suspension of production lines due to the unavailability of some materials. This is not because of incorrect calculations, but for other reasons. Because of these reasons, we need safety stock.بعض الشركات أحيانا لاتستطيع شحن الطلبيات او انتاج الكميات المخطط انتاجها فى الموعد المحدد...
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Time Value of Money (TVM)

Time Value of Money (TVM)

With the development of society, people know more about the time value of money and apply it to work and life. Of course, there are still many people who don't understand this. Therefore, in many business financial situations, many people cannot decide which is the best option.For example, if there are two offers that are the same in all conditions, but the method of payment is different, the first offer is 30% deposit and 70% after 5 months, the second offer is 40% deposit and 60% after 7 months. We want to know what is the offer with less total...
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